Muslim Vegan Vegetarian Islam Animal

25 Recipes for Ramadhan: Iftar and Sahoor ideas from all over the Muslim world
Paperback – March 22, 2023 by Sarah Amber (Author)

HALAL IN ISLAM: The lawful way of life in Islam
Paperback – February 20, 2023 by ABDULHAKEEM BIN ABDULRAHMAN (Author)

Diet For Transcendence: Vegetarianism and the World Religions
by Steven Rosen, Giorgio Cerquetti, Joshua Greene (Editor) 62 1/97

Vegetarians Only: Stories of Telegu Muslims
Paperback – January 1, 2021 by SHAIK YOUSUF BABA (Author)

The Routledge Handbook of Religion and Animal Ethics (Routledge Handbooks in Religion) 1st Edition
by Andrew Linzey (Editor), Clair Linzey (Editor) 12/18/2020


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Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam
Paperback by A. Helwa (Author) 2/20/2020

Islam For Dummies
Paperback by Malcolm Clark (Author) 9/11/2019

The Biblical Basis for Vegetarianism: The Preference of the Edenic Diet in Jewish, Christian and Muslim Sources
Kindle Edition by Mikhah Ben David (Author) 4/30/2012

Vegetarianism in the Qur'an: Examining What the Qur'an REALLY Says
Kindle Edition by Mikhah Ben David (Author) 2/20/2011

Encyclopedia Of Islam (Encyclopedia of World Religions)
(Hardcover) by Juan Campo (Author), J. Gordon Melton (Editor) 7/07

Islamic Concern: Animals in Islam    74
The Qur'an the Hadith and the history of Islamic civilization offer many examples of kindness, mercy, and compassion for animals. Compassion for animals includes embracing a vegetarian diet abstaining from silk wool leather and fur and not using animal tests.

Islamic Concerns: Sacrifice

Fatwas on Vegetarianism

Vegetarian Muslims FB Group

Vegan Muslim Gals

Jewish Veg

Jewish Veg
Jewish Veg educates and builds community to encourage plant-based lifestyles in Jewish communities.

Muslim & Jewish Veg*ns

Muslims Against Cruelty to Animals

Why Judaism and Islam Prohibit Eating Pork and Consuming Blood as a Food?

Islamic Duty of Compassion Towards Animals - Islamic vegetarians


Meat & Modernity - Tarik Abdul-Rahman

Vegetarian Muslims need venues and ways to network with one another; the Muslim Vegetarians list is such an online venue. Muhammed reportedly said that it is better to eat milk than to eat meat. But even if Muhammed was a lactovegetarian, more and more Muslims are discovering veganism. Wherever vegetarian Muslims are on the spectrum, and regardless of the rationale, this is a good place to make friends and discuss common values, background, and outlooks. The Western press and the media won't discuss it, nor will Al-Jazeera or the Arabic media and press.

Should Muslims Be Vegetarians? Dr. Karima Burns 23 July, 2021

The Existence of the "Vegetarian Muslim" 10/16/2013

Islam & Natural Healing Articles 12/12/2007

Feasts of the Prophet - Vegetarianism in Islam

Vegetarianism in Islam

Who says Muslims can't be Vegetarian?

Vegetarianism in Islam by Vasu Murti das

Veganism In Islam: Can You Be Vegan And Muslim?
By Rebecca Horn May 14, 2020

Vegan and Muslim: Why I kept my plant-based diet secret from my family
Can you be vegan and Muslim?
Sumaya and Mara think so, but often have to defend their beliefs. Rahil Sheikh, BBC Asian Network 15 January 2020

Islam & Vegetarianism

The Existence of the “Vegetarian Muslim” By Karima Burns, MH, ND

There is no doubt that a vegetarian diet is healthier and beneficial to health in lowering weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar. Our Prophet was mostly vegetarian..."

Dr. Shahid Athar, MD FACP FACE
Clinical Associate Professor, Indiana University School of Medicine
Chair of Medical Ethics, Islamic Medical Assn of North America

Islam, a religion of compassion and moderation, acknowledges animals' rights and emphasizes humans' responsibility for their welfare.

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