Christian Vegetarian Books Christian Church Bible Theology Diet Vegetarianism

Andrew Linzey

Richard Schwartz

Rod Preece

Stephen Clark

Catholic Vegetarian

Do Animals Have Souls According To The Bible

Call to Compassion: Religious Perspectives on Animal Advocacy from a Range of Religious Perspectives 2/11

Familiar Strangers: The Church and the Vegetarian Movement in Britain (1809 - 2009)
[Paperback] John M. Gilheany (Author) 10/10


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Christian Vegetarians: Augustine of Hippo, Jerome, Tertullian, Saint David, Clement of Alexandria, Fred Rogers, Ellen G. White
[Paperback] Books LLC (Editor) 9/10

Theology on the Menu: Asceticism, meat and Christian diet
[Paperback] David Grumett (Author), Rachel Muers (Author) 4/10
A systematic and historical assessment of Christian attitudes to food and its role in shaping Christian identity.

Sacred Feasts: From a Monastery Kitchen
[Hardcover] Victor-Antoine d'Avila-Latourrette (Author) 10/09

Eating and Believing: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Vegetarianism and Theology (T&T Clark Theology)
[Hardcover] David Grumett (Author), Rachel Muers (Author) 12/08

This is a collaborative volume on the concept of modern vegetarianism and the relationships between people's beliefs and food practices. What are the links between people's beliefs and the foods they choose to eat?

In the modern Western world, dietary choices are a topic of ethical and political debate, but how can centuries of Christian thought and practice also inform them? And how do reasons for abstaining from particular foods in the modern world compare with earlier ones?

This book will shed new light on modern vegetarianism and related forms of dietary choice by situating them in the context of historic Christian practice. It will show how the theological significance of embodied practice may be retrieved and reconceived in the present day.

Food and diet is a neglected area of Christian theology, and Christianity is conspicuous among the modern world's religions in having few dietary rules or customs. Yet historically, food and the practices surrounding it have significantly shaped Christian lives and identities.

This collection, prepared collaboratively, includes contributions on the relationship between Christian beliefs and food practices in specific historical contexts. It considers the relationship between eating and believing from non-Christian perspectives that have in turn shaped Christian attitudes and practices. It also examines ethical arguments about vegetarianism and their significance for emerging Christian theologies of food.

The Christian Vegan Revised Psalms
(Paperback) by Saba (Author) 3/05

World Peace Diet: Eating for Spiritual Health and Social Harmony
(Paperback) by Will Tuttle (Author) 3/05

Vegetarian Christian Saints
(Paperback) by Holly H. Roberts (Author) 9/04

Dominion : The Power of Man, the Suffering of Animals, and the Call to Mercy
by Matthew Scully (Author) 67 10/03

Jesus and Nonviolence: A Third Way (Facets)
(Paperback) by Walter Wink (Author) 4/03

They Shall Not Hurt or Destroy
by Vasu Murti 72 2/03

The Dominion of Love: Animal Rights According to the Bible
(Paperback) by Norm Phelps 9/02

Good News for All Creation: Vegetarianism as Christian Stewardship
(Paperback) by Stephen Kaufman, Nathan Braun, Steven Kaufman 8/02

Good Eating (Christian Practice of Everyday Life, The)
(Paperback) by Stephen H. Webb 9/01

Plain Living: A Quaker Path to Simplicity
(Paperback) by Catherine Whitmire (Author) 7/01

The Lost Religion of Jesus: Simple Living and Nonviolence in Early Christianity
(Paperback) by Keith Akers (Author) 11/00
A detailed study of the fundamentals of early Christianity. In this detailed and accessible study, Keith Akers uncovers the history of Jewish Christianity from its origins in the Essenes and John the Baptist, through Jesus, until its disappearance into Islamic mysticism sometime in the seventh or eight century. Akers argues that only be really understanding this mysterious and much misunderstood strand of early Christianity can we get to the heart of the radical message of Jesus of Nazareth.

God's Covenant with Animals: A Biblical Basis for the Humane
(Paperback) by J. R. Hyland (Author) 6/00

Just James: The Brother of Jesus in History and Tradition (Personalities of the New Testament Series)
(Paperback) by John Painter (Author), D. Moody Smith (Editor) 8/99
Why have the contributions of James the Just been obscured from Christian consciousness? Theologian John Painter reviews the legends surrounding a towering figure in the early Christian church. Painter explores the many legends associated with James, examines the New Testament epistle attributed to him and the Church's obvious embarrassment at James's influence.

Early Christians and Animals
(Hardcover) by Robert M. Grant (Author) 7/99

Is God a Vegetarian?: Christianity, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights
(Paperback) by Richard A. Young (Author) 9/98
Richard Young has combined a bold thesis-that a morally responsible Christianity demands serious consideration of vegetarianism as a way of honoring creation in all its richness-with a nuanced reading of the Bible and the tradition that respects the complexity of the issues involved. And he has managed to do this in a lively and attractive prose. Plus he offeres recipes! He may not change your way of eating, but he will certainly change your way of thinking about what you are eating.

James the Brother of Jesus: The Key to Unlocking the Secrets of Early Christianity and the Dead Sea Scrolls
(Paperback) by Robert H. Eisenman (Author) 3/98

Eisenman contends that Dead Sea Scrolls are actually the work of first-century Christians. He goes so far as to link St. James, the brother of Jesus, with the "Teacher of Righteousness," and St. Paul with the "Man of the Lie" mentioned in the texts. Complete history of early Christianity and the Temple Judaism in which the former resists the dominant Greco-Roman culture and the latter adapts to it. Conclusion that James, rather than Peter, was heir to Jesus teachings.

Taking Animals Seriously : Mental Life and Moral Status
by David DeGrazia (Author) 63 8/96

Vegetarian Sourcebook: The Nutrition, Ecology and Ethics of a Natural Foods Diet
(Paperback) by Keith Akers (Author) 6/93
Vegetarianism has gone mainstream in the last decade and is no longer seen just as a leftover lifestyle of 1960s hippies. From a number of perspectives-nutritional, religious, ethical-this book demonstrates how opting for a meat-free diet based on fruits, grains and vegetables is healthier for you and for the planet. It offers statistics that confirm not only environmental fears about meat consumption causing rain forest and topsoil destruction in spite of the meat industry's myths, but also that vegetarian women have a lower incidence of breast cancer as well as other cancers. Well-researched information on vegetarian nutrition, vegetarian ethics and lists of vegetarian resources make it an indispensable wellness guidebook for non-meat eaters and those looking to make the switch.

Morals, Reason, and Animals
by Steven F. Sapontzis 65 5/92

The Vegetarianism of Jesus Christ: The Pacifism, Communalism and Vegetarianism of Primitive Christianity
(Paperback) by Charles P. Vaclavik (Author) 1/89

The Slaughter of Terrified Beasts: A Biblical Basis for the Humane Treatment of Animals
(Paperback) by J. R. Hyland (Author) 9/88

Christian Vegetarianism, A Biblical Theology of Diet



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