The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors Christianity Before Christ Kersey Graves

The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors: Christianity Before Christ
(Hardcover) by Kersey Graves (Author) 12/07 Cosimo Classics
Khrisna of India. Thammuz of Syria. Esus of the Celtic Druids. Mithra of Persia. Quexalcoati of Mexico. All were crucified gods, and all met their fates hundreds of years before Jesus appeared on the scene. In this foundational work of modern atheism, American spiritualist KERSEY GRAVES (1813-1883) breaks the Christ myth down into its component parts and ably demonstrates how the story of Jesus has its roots in the depths of antiquity. Here you'll read about the surprising prevalence throughout global folklore of: . the miraculous and immaculate conception of the gods . stars that point out the time and place of a savior's birth . angels, shepherds, and magi visiting an infant savior . the 25th of December as the universal birth date of gods . saviors who descend into Hell . and much more. This is essential reading for students of comparative mythology and modern freethinkers. ALSO AVAILABLE FROM COSIMO: Graves's The Biography of Satan and The Bible of Bibles


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The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors
(Paperback) by Graves Kelsey (Author) 10/07
NuVision Publications
Also called Christianity before Christ, this book contains new, startling, and extraordinary revelations in religious history, which disclose the oriental origin of all the doctrines, principles, percepts and miracles of the Christian New Testament and furnishing a key for unlocking many of its sacred mysteries, besides compromising the history of 16 heathen crucified gods.

The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviours Christianity Before Christ
(Paperback) by Kersey Graves (Author), Acharya S. (Author) 11/01

Adventures Unlimited Press; 6th Rev edition
This is a reprint of Kersey Graves' 1875 classic about the sixteen messiahs who are known to history before Christ. Graves was ahead of his time, integrating the links between nature and religion to develop a unique understanding of spiritual thought. Among his unusual discoveries are a link between astrology and Christianity, including the true meaning of December 25, The Birthday of the Gods. The forty-five fascinating chapters include: * The Holy Ghost is of Oriental Origin * 346 Striking Analogies Between Christ and Krishna * Virgin Mothers and Virgin-Born Gods * Prophecies by a Serpent * Christ as a Spiritual Medium The introduction and full text of the original book are included; new material -- maps, illustrations and commentary -- has been added by Adventures Unlimited editors.



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